26 April, 2007

Still Waiting and Good News From Sun

Well we are still here in Kuwait and that meant a chance to sleep in for a change. Tried to get more than 8 hours of sleep but when your drinking water all day and your getting close to 50 that means getting up and walking about 50 yards to the porta-johns and at 0530 there is plenty of light in the sky since they don't do daylight savings time in Kuwait. So I decided to get one last run in and did a 6 miler inside the FOB perimeters. The guys were in good spirits during breakfast and then it started to rain off and on the entire day. We packed our belongings and waited for what we thought would be our movement but that fell through so it was unpack and get ready for at least another night or two or three. Last night was surf and turf at the chow hall so you had an option of steak with crab legs or fried shrimp, I stuck with the crab legs and fried shrimp and it wasn't that bad. Last night before I hit the sack some of us sat outside and enjoyed a great electrical lighting storm which then turned into a rain storm. I must have been tired because I hit the sack at 2130 and fell asleep while the tents lights were on.

Today after breakfast we got a chance to do laundry since most of us were running low on clothes to wear and we don't know the turn around time for laundry where we are heading to. It is a hot one today upper 90's and running around in my gym clothes with SPF 30 on my face I feel like I got burned in the 20 minutes I was out walking to the laundry location. Hopefully we'll be able to call Carmen today and later this afternoon we'll find out what transporation plan looks like for us.

On the home front it was good to see Sun post a profit for a second consecutive quarter. The $67M earnings was an improvement over last years Q3 loss of $217M. That means all the hard work by the folks in WWOPS especially those in ACF had a positive note, thanks guys for a job well done! Though stock took a dive yesterday as usual because of the analysts fears, here's hoping that by the time I get back it's in the $20 range and maybe I can retire while Carmen still goes to work every day! Yeah Right!!

Gotta go and finish packing my bags again and hopefully we can get out of here soon and begin to go to work up north.

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